How to evolve in your professional environment?

Organisations are changing. To cope with uncertain political and economic events, counter widespread technological change and respond to changing attitudes and demands in the workplace, organisations are moving away from traditional corporate hierarchies to flatter, more agile work environments. As a result, the type of talent and mindset employers are looking for has changed. Here's how to stand out in today's new world of work:

Keep learning and training

Once you know what you want to do, determine which degrees are necessary or beneficial to your career development. While some jobs may require degrees, others may consider certain certifications an asset, meaning you will have an advantage if you have them. Continuing your training and education is vital, especially in the language sector. It is well known that learning a foreign language is excellent for career development. You can expect a salary that is 2% higher than the average if you master business english.

Make a plan of action

Before you take a massive leap into a new career, take the time to develop a plan of action. But don't sketch out your five- or ten-year plan - while that's important, for now you need to think more immediately. Think about what you want to do this year and what small concrete steps you can take to achieve that goal. For example, if you want to move from being a salesperson to a marketer, here are some actions you could take: Shadow a marketer at my current job this month. Write a list of ways in which my sales skills apply to marketing so that I am ready for interviews by next month. Note that each of these actions is specific and has a time limit. Find out what SMART goals are (hint: the time limit is an important element) to make sure you are as pragmatic as possible.

Network and build relationships

Networking within your industry will give you valuable information during your career transition. When you meet people in your field of interest, you can learn what you need to do to succeed and what you need to avoid. You might even get an interview. In some careers, this network may also be the reason you get a job.

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