Job search: after how long should you follow up with a recruiter?

You have sent an application to a recruiter, but so far you have not been contacted? So you are wondering how long it will take to get back in touch? And what can you do in this case?

How long does it take to relaunch a recruiter?

Re-launching is not necessarily because of an application that has not been answered. But it can also be done following a job interview. The time between sending your application and relaunching it will depend on the company. For example, if the deadline has not yet been reached, you will not have to relaunch your application for the time being. Moreover, it may take a company two weeks to more than a month to process applications due to the size of the files. In this case, you should respect it. Normally, the company informs you about the deadline for the analysis of applications after receiving your file. So you can follow up after these deadlines.

What are the reasons for not receiving a reply from the company?

It is possible that the deadline has not yet arrived and the reception of applications is still open. So it is normal that the company does not contact you. It is also likely that the person in charge of the files is not yet available because of a health or personal problem. Or they may be busy doing more urgent work for the company, and then they will take care of the files. But since there are more applications than expected, this will delay the company's response even more. So you need to be patient and be prepared for any possible eventuality and then follow up.

What should you do to follow up an application?

If you do not receive a reply after a month, for example, you can reapply. Or at least inform them that you are still available. You can do this by sending a follow-up email or by calling them directly. But if you have already had an interview, you can send them a thank you email for their welcome. In this way, you show your interest in the company at the same time. After two or three weeks, you can contact them again to ask about your application.

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